"Phew, thank goodness I don't have to run like mad in the airport to reach the gates before they close"
We walked by the check in counters and I looked up to find the right counters..
Prof Tee: no need wan, we check in online d..
Me: Really? u sure?? it ways counter 6
Prof Tee: sure wan... just go straight to the gate..
and so we did.. went past security, leisurely walked and shopped at the duty free shops.. just killing time..
We finally got to line up to enter the gates. Come our turn, the uniformed dude gave me a look...
*Uh oh.. got a bad feeling about this*
" OK..listen carefully.. you need to get this chopped and verified (for non EU flyers).. you've got 20 minutes, run like the wind to the check in counters and back here.."
*Oh shit*
"Can we leave our (super heavy) bags here?"
"I'm afraid not, due to security reasons"
*Oh crappity crap*
So off we ran, as fast as our legs could carry us (and the super heavy bags)
Allow me to use my wonderful artistic skills to illustrate what we been thru...

Allocated time: <20 minutes
Go team ping pong!

Well.. We made it in the end! we won the challenge 2 minutes before the gates were closed!!! Muahahahaahhaa
Ended our trip with an Adrenaline Rush....
*sigh of relief*