Soo looking forward to coming home to hot sweaty malaysia, and leaving behind the most horrible MCQ paper I've ever sat for. ever. Its like i never studied and have to guess, tembak, tikam my way through the paper.
there were 200 questions mcq and T/F to be completed in 1 and half hour..No time to think, just shoot and leave those questions behind..During the paper I was like:

- "Hmmm.. That doesn't sound very right.. I think its B.. or is it C..
maybe i'll go with A *please let it be A, please let it be A*
- "what the....."
- "How many people get prescribed antidepressants in UK..erm.." tikam
- "Oh great.. another psychology question with big words i dun understand" ..shoot
- "mosaicism, translocations, dysjunctions blabla *reads it over 5 times*??" tembak
- "How many increase in percent of risk of schizo if parent is schizophrenic.. erm.. i onli know its increased la.." stab
I was sighing throughout the whole paper, nearly pulling my hair out with frustration with every question i come to..
I looked up to the examination hall.. not the only one.. could see the stress/confusion/frustration filling the room..
Came out of the exam hall stunned..Everyone had the *Wth was that* expression on their face..
Couldnt remember most questions asked and couldnt remember what answers I put cos i was guessing (A or C? A or C? aaaaa.. dunnoooo..A la.. maybe C better... aaaaaaaaa --> like that how to remember wat answer i put?)
sigh. Wish i was a lucky person and got all my tikam-ed answers right.. but no.. I have to be the unlucky one.. even when it comes down to 2 answers to choose i have to choose the wrong one.. sigh.
Viva was better tho, and the end of exams cheered me up alot..
Faster Saturday 4pm! then can fly home!
1 comment:
HY!!! yay congrats!!! you're done..for now!! i'll be done by 4th june too by the i think 2nd wk of june will be very safe!! see you online!!
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