After my exams (that didnt go so well) on Fri, Chee Mei and I rushed off to Glasgow, land of shopping!! I was absolutely excited to see my Naomi ;) and Sree again.. though i just saw them one week ago in Nottingham..

When i was there, only did i realised how much i missed hanging out with Naomi and bullying Sree.. Brings back good ol memories, staying over at Naomi's place (which is in need of more heating!), just chatting and listening to her ramble bout guys... hehe.. I Miss u Naomiiii!
Naomi is becoming an excellent cook! Her Tom Yum is Amazing!! and i happened to crave tom yum for such a long time... Thank You Naomi!!

Sree was so sweet accompanying Naomi and I shopping.. like a walking clothes rack, he held my jackets and bag while i happily shopped! He also made us pancakes! and Thank you Sree for the Gizmo shirt :D

Sree also bought me my first (and LAST) jawbreaker.. it was the size of a large ping pong ball (they sold one a size of a baseball).. that THING was in my mouth for wat seemed like forever!!. -_- Sreee..
what did i ever do to u to deserve punishment like this.... i couldn't talk, I had to take it out of my mouth again and again cos my mouth was soo sore from holding that ball in.. :P Hmph.. I'll never forget this sree.... >:P

Act cute! Sree had to try this hat i wanted to buy.. cos my hand was dirty holding the jawbreaker and Naomi didn't want to mess up her hair:PEating and Shopping: the two things that make me contented :D and thats
all i did in Glasgow.. no museums, no art galleries, no cathedrals... cos shopping just drains all my energy.. in a good way :D
Beautiful view of Glasgow.. (just on the way to and around the shopping area :P)

This is Buchanan Street, where all the shopping happens :DCheck out the funky slippers... i got the gorilla :P cos homer simpson was too expensive!
Homer Simpson gobbling up sree's feet
The Food we ate the first night i was thereAte in Rumours the first day, and had just suddenly remembered how much i missed Malaysian food..yum yum..

And had fish and chips immediately after!

Deep Fried Pizza... absolutely Fattening.. It tastes just like pizza but oilier.. gotta try it at least once, right :PI'm sure if u read Naomi's blog you would know that I
almost didnt make it back to Edinburgh.. We left Naomi's place at 4, and my bus was at
4.45... so we walked.. and we talked and talked.. and then i looked at my watch ---
4.30... and a long way to go!!Panic was seeping in... So we RAN (Sree just walked, advantages of having long legs).. So scary to almost have missed the bus.. never again will i go through this.. phew..
It was really really great to see my old buddies again :') bunking in with Naomi and crapping with Sree, just like the good ol' days :DThank you so much to Naomi, Sree, Li Ying, Jiun, Stephanie, Lily, Yew Wen, Alfred (hope i didnt miss anyone out) for your hospitality!! Muacks!

I'm glad i'm just an hour away from my best buddy and shopping! means i can go over anytime ;)