I get a day off my anaesthesia posting and here I am lying in bed doing nothing.. bliss :) and safe from the horrible scottish weather..
i would like to say i'm wiping off the dust of my long forgotten blog today, but I'm afraid of committing to constantly updating my blog to boring details of my life.. and how do I find the time to blog about uninteresting stuff when i'm in the hospital everyday 8-5 and have to study.. yaya.. whine whine whine..
oh well, its my blog.. I can write anything whenever I want..
Forming sentences kinda give me a false impression that i'm actually doing something with my intellect.. definitely more of a mind work that staring at the screen watching tv dramas
Currently, I am typing this post with background buzzing from the wings of flies hitting against my room window.. they.. yes, they (more than 1 :'( ) mysteriously appear despite my windows and door tightly shut.. nope, there is no sign of rotting flesh/food in my room, although I am afraid of looking into the corners of my room to find a bunch of crawling mag- >_<
I want my holidays back! no use dwelling in the past.. now to look forward to home in october and electives in auckland and melbourne in nov-jan.. have to get past surgery and paeds first..
Goal: get motivated to get back into the wards and study, once I get rid of these flies! (feel so far away from that stage )